Mongoven Mapping services
Mike Mongoven
Irrigation as-built maps and documents related to new construction, upgraded irrigation systems and existing systems.
We use a combination of location data collected in the field, cad plans and aerial images to provide outputs that meet the contractor’s obligations and are beneficial for the maintenance and operation of the irrigation systems going forward.
The format for the exported documents can be wall maps, field booklets, cad files, pdf files, spreadsheets and cloud based files that can be accessed utilizing the internet.
Accuracy can be either sub-meter or decimeter grade GPS coordinates.
The critical information can be displayed in a wide range of options that meet the customer’s needs.
Symbology, labeling and layout can be standardized or unique depending upon the customer’s goals.
Mongoven Mapping & GIS Services have mapped irrigation and lighting systems as well as recorded other relevant utilities based upon the specific project.
Values created by Mapping include:
1. Budgets are objective rather than subjective.
2. Communication, a picture is worth one thousand words.
3. Planning for the present and future.
4. Asset Protection is the result of preventative maintenance rather than putting out fires.
5. Training and Accountability are enhanced for staff and contractors.
The core competency of Mongoven Mapping & GIS Services is a combination of experience managing property assets, specifically landscaping, irrigation, lighting and drainage systems and the ability to use GIS Technology. Leveraging GIS technology will reduce the labor needed for the task of managing centralized irrigation, drainage and lighting systems and protect landscape assets.
In addition to mapping infrastructure we will measure and calculate areas. These calculations will make budgeting more objective and simplify compliance with Best Management Practices. We also perform irrigation audits and provide landscape management bid specifications.
We also use Ground Penetrating Radar to locate lost irrigation and drainage.
We are a professional company focused on helping clients solve challenges with real world solutions